Scheduling an Appointment

Thank you for choosing A Compassionate Hart

Booking Online

Confirm via Email
After scheduling online, you’ll receive an email with appointment details and important instructions. Please check your email and confirm by replying “Yes.” Your appointment is only secured once this step is complete.
Confirm via Text
  • You’ll receive a confirmation email 72 hours before your appointment, followed by a text reminder 48 hours in advance.
  • Simply reply “Yes” to confirm your appointment.
  • Confirming within this window ensures your spot remains reserved.
New Clients – Credit Card on File Required
To secure your appointment, a credit card on file is required in accordance with our 24-Hour Cancellation Policy. Your card will not be charged before your service unless a cancellation or no-show fee is necessary. Should any fee apply, you will be notified in advance.
Thank you for taking these steps to confirm your visit. We look forward to providing you with an exceptional experience.

Booking by Phone

If you prefer a personal touch, feel free to reach out by calling or texting:
Our receptionist is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm.
For after-hours or weekends, we kindly request that you text rather than leave a voicemail. If you do leave a message, our advanced AI Texting system can assist with most needs or will notify us of your message so we can follow up as soon as we return to the office.






Cancellation Policy

To ensure a seamless experience for all, we have a 24-hour Cancellation Policy:
  • Credit Card on File: A credit card is required to secure your appointment.
  • No Charge Until Service: Your card won’t be charged until your appointment time.
  • Late Cancellations and No-Shows: You’ll receive advance notice before any fees are applied.
Please take a moment to review our Cancellation and Late Arrival Policies, included in your confirmation emails, before confirming.
Thank you for choosing us! We look forward to providing you with a relaxing experience.